Willich (Germany)

Where the Branch meets:

Gastsatte Krucken
47877 Willich

When the Branch meets:

Every 3rd Friday of the uneven months
Meeting starts at 19.00hrs

Contact Details

Secretary: Mr W Pantin, please contact through Chairman below.

Chairman: Mr T Pearce

Telephone: 0049(0)16380 008976

Email: letstalk@t-online.de

Branch Diary

Branch News

On the 21.03.2015 the town of Willich held their annual spring clean-up. The town has five distinct districts, volunteers from each district meet at prearranged points within their district to clean up their part of Willich.

We as a branch decided instead of cleaning up the streets of Willich, we would clean up ”the stone”.  This is a commemoration stone and plaque presented as a sign of gratitude by the town of Willich in 1992 after 44 years of service to the community by various units of the Royal Engineers.

We then went on to the Willich cemetery to clean-up the headstones of the unknown soldiers lying in rest.  The town of Willich keep the grounds of the cemetery in fine order but nobody seems to be responsible for the upkeep of the head stones themselves.  We as a branch have taken a decision to carry out these two tasks annually in combination with the Willich clean-up.

The following link takes the reader to the article that the German press released about our labours http://www.rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/willich/aktion-willi-wisch-buerger-machen-stadt-sauber-bid-1.4961784